quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2020

SALE OF ORNAMENTAL FISH FROM THE AMAZON Buy a small fish from the Amazon and save a tree. Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

The species Apistogramma taeniata has the particularity of having been the first species described in the genus Apistogramma, by Albert Günther on November 8, 1862. At the time, the genus Apistogramma did not yet exist, and today this species serves as a holotype for the genus.

The dwarf cichlid Apistogramma taeniata, was included in the Apistogramma regani group, is endemic and native to Brazil, from the Tapajós river, in the Amazon river basin.
Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata
Identification key of Apistogramma taeniata:

Rounded head. Straight predorsal contour descending above the middle of the steep orbit in the snout. The head contour is smoothly arched, less steep. Blunt snout. Sub-bottom mouth. Lower jaw angle approximately 45%. Jaw tip exposed, in the middle of the orbit.

No flaps on the dorsal fin. Rounded caudal fin.

Black or brownish streaks along the side of the caudal stain.

Suborbital and pre-orbital stripes present.

The dentition of Apistogramma taeniata is triserial. The external series of the upper jaw has about 52 teeth, with the mean symphysary being shorter inside. The external series of the lower jaw has about 42 teeth, with irregular symphyses, forming two series in the middle.

Regan's description in 1906 also indicates that the Apistogramma taeniata has post-orbital bands and states that the first three dorsal spines are blackened and the vertical fins more or less distinct. It observes an unextended vertical caudal stain, a narrow preorbital band, a broad suborbital band up to the inner edge of the pre-operculum angle, terminal bands on the dorsal and anal, and highlights that a spine of the ventral fins is dark.
Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata

Apistogramma taeniata
FAN DE PEIXE ORNAMENTAL -  Celcoimbra - Floresta Água do Norte - Amazônia - Apistogramma taeniata


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